POST api/App_Package/coupon_Ins_Upd_Del

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "indicator_id": "sample string 1",
  "coupon_name": "sample string 2",
  "coupon_description": "sample string 3",
  "coupon_type": "sample string 4",
  "voucher_max_count": "sample string 5",
  "voucher_per_patient": "sample string 6",
  "voucher_issue_method": "sample string 7",
  "voucher_issue_point": "sample string 8",
  "voucher_expire_days": "sample string 9",
  "coupon_amount": "sample string 10",
  "amount_type": "sample string 11",
  "no_of_uses": "sample string 12",
  "applicable_to": "sample string 13",
  "applicable_mode": "sample string 14",
  "doctor_id": "sample string 15",
  "coupon_start_date": "sample string 16",
  "coupon_end_date": "sample string 17",
  "minimum_order_amount": "sample string 18",
  "walkin_allowed": "sample string 19",
  "video_allowed": "sample string 20",
  "first_con_allowed": "sample string 21",
  "all_appointments": "sample string 22",
  "medicine_all": "sample string 23",
  "medicine_first": "sample string 24",
  "lab_first": "sample string 25",
  "lab_all": "sample string 26",
  "lab_no_of_test": "sample string 27",
  "package_first": "sample string 28",
  "package_all": "sample string 29",
  "package_homecare": "sample string 30",
  "package_hospitalcare": "sample string 31",
  "ternms_conditions": "sample string 32",
  "created_by": "sample string 33",
  "coupon_code": "sample string 34",
  "lab_no_of_test_count": "sample string 35",
  "patient_id": "sample string 36",
  "voucher_amount": "sample string 37",
  "expired_date": "sample string 38",
  "hospital_id": "sample string 39",
  "branch_id": 40



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'Clscoupon'.