POST api/App_Profile/setLifeStyleInformation

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "personInfo": {
    "$id": "2",
    "FName": "sample string 1",
    "LName": "sample string 2",
    "Email": "sample string 3",
    "PhoneNumer": "sample string 4",
    "BloodGroup": "sample string 5",
    "Gender": "sample string 6",
    "photoURL": "sample string 7",
    "DOB": "sample string 8",
    "MaritialStatus": "sample string 9",
    "Height": "sample string 10",
    "Weight": "sample string 11",
    "HeightMetric": "sample string 12",
    "companionList": [
        "$id": "3",
        "ID": "sample string 1",
        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "ContactInfo": "sample string 3",
        "RelationShip": "sample string 4"
        "$ref": "3"
        "$ref": "3"
    "CompanionList_": [
        "$id": "4",
        "Companion_relationship_": "sample string 1",
        "display": "sample string 2"
        "$ref": "4"
        "$ref": "4"
  "medicalInfo": {
    "$id": "5",
    "allergyList": [
        "$id": "6",
        "ID": "sample string 1",
        "AlleryName": "sample string 2"
        "$ref": "6"
        "$ref": "6"
    "AllergyLists": [
        "$id": "7",
        "allergy_id": "sample string 1",
        "allergy_display": "sample string 2"
        "$ref": "7"
        "$ref": "7"
  "lifestyleInfo": {
    "$id": "8",
    "Alchol": {
      "$id": "9",
      "ID": "sample string 1",
      "Name": "sample string 2"
    "Smoking": {
      "$id": "10",
      "ID": "sample string 1",
      "Name": "sample string 2"
    "FoodPreference": {
      "$id": "11",
      "ID": "sample string 1",
      "Name": "sample string 2"
    "Activty": {
      "$id": "12",
      "ID": "sample string 1",
      "Name": "sample string 2"
  "msg": "sample string 1",
  "status": true,
  "C1": "sample string 3"



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'ProfileInformation'.