POST api/Service_Master/ServiceMaster

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "master_service_id": 1,
  "service_id": 2,
  "service_code": "sample string 3",
  "hospital_id": "sample string 4",
  "hospitalid": 5,
  "branch_id": 6,
  "master_category_id": 7,
  "master_sub_category_id": 8,
  "department_id": 9,
  "sub_department_id": 10,
  "service_name": "sample string 11",
  "service_type": 12,
  "base_amount_type": 13.0,
  "range_min": 14.0,
  "range_max": 15.0,
  "base_amount_value": 16.0,
  "is_workorder": 17,
  "is_lab": 18,
  "is_doctor": 19,
  "mobile_enabled": 20,
  "mobile_discount_applicable": 21,
  "mobile_discount_type": "sample string 22",
  "mobile_discount_amount": 23.0,
  "service_level_discount_allowed": 24,
  "loayalty_earning_allowed": 25,
  "doctor_name_required": 26,
  "is_package": 27,
  "is_loyalty_scheme": 28,
  "is_coupons_reverse": 29,
  "is_consulting": 30,
  "consulting_type": "sample string 31",
  "created_by": "sample string 32",
  "P_Dml_Indicator": "sample string 33",
  "remarks": "sample string 34",
  "service_imagepath": "sample string 35",
  "billing_class": "sample string 36",
  "ward_id": "sample string 37",
  "per_patient_time": 38,
  "is_internal": 39,
  "consultation_type": 40,
  "doctorid": 41,
  "doctor_id": "sample string 42",
  "distance_fee": 43,
  "is_surgery": 44,
  "is_description": 45,
  "is_activate": 46,
  "external_lab": "sample string 47",
  "is_fasting": 48,
  "is_tax": 49,
  "tax_percentage": 50.0,
  "tube_container": 51,
  "method_name": "sample string 52",
  "short_name": "sample string 53"



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'ClsService_Master'.